Thursday, March 14, 2013



We live within a delicate balance.
Thanks for putting that to music, Yacht.
(and not to mention, a radical visual representation, too)

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Nothing Lasts

Nothing lasts, nothing lasts,
everything is changing into something else.
Nothing is wrong, nothing is wrong,
everything is on track...

You know,
William Blake said that nothing is lost...

Nothing is lost.

And I really believe that,

We only move on.

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Isolation VS. Communion

  Henry David Thoreau VS. The Puritans

That is the topic I have chosen to write about.

HAHA. Let the games begin.

stay up late

CUTE, CUTE. As a button.

I am the baby, here.
And I have to stay up all night.

The thing making me do such a thing
is not David Byrne.

It is this American Literature essay
on the
"fundamental ironical dualities of existence"


All-nighters always get very interesting.
It brings to mind the Charles Bukowski quote...
"Some people never go crazy
what truly horrible lives they must lead".

I will most likely end up posting rambles/
half insightful jibberish
at some point during the wee hours.

Year Five. Last Semester of College.
and yet...
Procrastination is still my best friend.
I think we're soul mates.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Whata guy.
Whata film!

I am thoroughly enjoying the film adaptations course I am taking this semester. Looking forward to re-visiting "Some Like It Hot" tomorrow night.

Marilyn is such a dreamboat.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Worth a try. Points for creativity!

the real you

My 2013 goal, to learn how to play the mandolin, is still in effect!
Though it's hard to find time to learn, what with classes and all that, I can still fit it in here and there (usually while procrastinating from doing homework. womp womp.)

I ordered a book of the tabs for Beatles songs!!
So I can get started on learning those soon, soon, soon.
Very, super, ridiculously excited, about that.


Sunday, February 24, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fell so deeply in love with Kishi Bashi these past few weeks.
He's brilliant.

His violin playing is phenomenal.
The entire 151A cd is amazing.

Highly recommend it!!!!!
quick and disorienting blended shots
canoe in lake
mother of all beards
triangle sweater
hilariously awkward positioning of the flute player

...this makes for a great video.

I also appreciate,
when the music stops
and there is only the sounds of nature...
and the camera pans upward.

that's snazzy and magical.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I'm always so behind on new music

but when I actually do have the pleasure of catching up to current musical affairs, it's always spectacular.

Monday, February 4, 2013

"I had an oleander wall around me"

- the Haunting of Hill House

Possibly pathetic but mostly poetic that I can relate to this quote which was thought by the likely insane protagonist. Oleanders are poisonous flowering trees. There is a lot to say about that analogy, but I will leave it up to the imagination.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

DMT: The Spirit Molecule. Ham on Rye. The Five People You Meet In Heaven.


So thankful for this break from academics.

A break from the normalcy and recent monotony.

I got to soak up some vitamin D for nearly two weeks.

I had the opporunity to be immersed in a culture, much different than my own.

It was invigorating.

Disconnect to Reconnect.

I feel blissful.


Thank you Universe, more please.

Last [regular] semester of college. Year Five. Dive.