Sunday, February 24, 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Fell so deeply in love with Kishi Bashi these past few weeks.
He's brilliant.

His violin playing is phenomenal.
The entire 151A cd is amazing.

Highly recommend it!!!!!
quick and disorienting blended shots
canoe in lake
mother of all beards
triangle sweater
hilariously awkward positioning of the flute player

...this makes for a great video.

I also appreciate,
when the music stops
and there is only the sounds of nature...
and the camera pans upward.

that's snazzy and magical.


Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I'm always so behind on new music

but when I actually do have the pleasure of catching up to current musical affairs, it's always spectacular.

Monday, February 4, 2013

"I had an oleander wall around me"

- the Haunting of Hill House

Possibly pathetic but mostly poetic that I can relate to this quote which was thought by the likely insane protagonist. Oleanders are poisonous flowering trees. There is a lot to say about that analogy, but I will leave it up to the imagination.